All Services

We provide center based services and online services.
Currently serving clients in India, UK, USA, Nepal and Dubai.


Determine child 's specific learning strengths and needs for eligibility of special education services.

Early Intervention

Early intervention are special services for toddlers at risk for development delay.


The aim is to minimize the impact of impairments on the child to enhance overall quality of life.

Occupational Therapy

The aim is to minimize the impact of impairments on the child to enhance overall quality of life.

Speech and Language

Focuses on strengthening your child 's ability to speak coherently using various special techniques.

Special Education

Individually developed education program to address a specific child 's needs.


A model of learning that enables special children to complete their formal education with ease.


Our services involve play and art therapy to speak to the child in their natural language.

Resources for Parents

Support materials and tips to help parents on their journey with a child with special needs.

Resources for Teachers

We provide classroom resources, lesson ideas, and professional development courses.

Parent’s Training

Parent develop and strengthen their skills to help reduce challenging behaviors.

Teacher’s Training

Master classroom structure, fresh methods, benchmarks, and champiuccess.

Remedial Classes

Remedial programs address learning gaps by reteaching basic skills.